Stefanie Savva

About Me

Writer. PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Essex . Teacher of English in Secondary education.

I am a Doctor of Philosophy, a researcher in myths, fairytales and magical realism, and a Qualified Teacher. I attained a PhD in Creative Writing in 2016 during which I wrote a novel entitled I Dreamt of Saltwater and Eggs. My research evolves around the development of magical realism in Greek and Cypriot fiction as well as post-colonial and commonwealth writing in English by non-English writers. My research interests include myth and fairytale re-tellings in contemporary women’s fiction and the exploration of national identity in post-colonial fiction.

I have written and translated for the edited collection The Red Thread (Patrician Press 2013), which includes myth re-tellings from the UK and Greece and have contributed to the Cypriot newspaper Politis. I have also published academic articles and have presented in various conferences.

Additionally, I have organised, chaired and spoken on panels at literary events, academic conferences and readings. I have spoken on topics including literature, mythology and fairytales, film and social media, aimed at audiences all the way from primary school aged children to adults and have taught literary theory and literature to university students during my PhD studies. Furthermore, I currently develop curriculum and teach at KS3 and KS4. I have also interviewed authors as part of various research projects or events.

If you are interested in working with me in a speaker or presenter capacity or if you would like to get in touch to either send me items for review or discuss working together on any other projects then please email me at

This blog features written pieces on topics from literature to education and much much more.